How to stencil hanging stockings with the 3 step cookie stencil

How to stencil hanging stockings with the 3 step cookie stencil

Last year I made a cookie with Santa’s suit hanging out to air, it was a time consuming cookie to ice with all the small details. So I thought I would make a stencil set that makes cookie decorating so much easier (and quicker)

It’s a 3 step stencil that comes in a set. Click HERE if you would like to purchase this stencil set.

Stencil 1

This stencil is the hanging line and the little pegs. There are a few options with this stencil.

Option 1 :Air brush this onto your cookie first with black or silver. (any colour)

Option 2 :Hide the pegs (with sellotape) and just do the line, then add the pegs later.

Option 3: Scrape royal icing across, very thinly.

Stencil 2

This is the first layer of the stockings, you could cover one or two with sellotape and make the base layer of the stocking different colours.

You can either airbrush this part or use royal icing, if you do use royal icing make sure that it’s really thin so that you can add the stenciled detail on top.

Stencil 3

For the detail stencil, choose a different colour royal icing, while the icing is still wet add some glitter or white sugar so that it sticks to the detail icing, this will add some texture to your design.
If you didn’t use the hanging line, you can now pipe the line using a piping consistency icing and nozzle tip size 1. I added some silver balls as the pegs, but you could pipe dots and paint them silver or gold.

Here is a video showing you the steps that I did to create this Christmas biscuit. I use the plaque A cutter.

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial, please leave any comments or questions in the comment section below and I’ll get back to you.

Happy baking and biscuit making….


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